Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Funny story
Claire had her 18 month check up today with Dr. G. He was doing the normal checking when Claire farted REALLY loud. She started laughing and said "farted." Dr. G. looked at me and said "what did she say?" I just shook my head and told him what she said. Then of course Abby started giggling. He must think we are crazy!!
It couldn't last forever!
I know...He has to go back to work sometime. So Monday, my days of sleeping in, shopping by myself, movies, late nights etc... are now over until next summer vacation. We had an awesome summer with him home! This summer we decided that we were not going to do any thing but have fun. I am not sure we were even home more than to eat and sleep. The girls are really going to have a hard time adjusting to him being gone. They loved having his undivided attention for 2 months. Claire walked into our room this morning and was looking all around for him with her hands up in the air saying, "dada, dada, dada." When I told her he was at work, she looked at me like I was crazy. The good part about Ryan being back at school is my house can now return to its normal state of cleanliness.
My 29th Birthday!
Sunday was my 29th birthday. Man, I feel old! Ryan and I went out on Saturday night to celebrate. We went to Maggiano's. Neither of us had ever been and we loved it. I ordered a chocolate martini and got carded. Of course I did not have my ID on me and he was seriously going to deny me. Luckily Ryan remembered that he had one of my ID's back from our bar days. So all was good and I thoroughly enjoyed it!! Then we went to the fashion mall. It is my favorite mall because I love to go to all of the home stores there. Ryan grudgingly agreed, since he has no veto power on my birthday. Sunday, my family all got together at my mom's. We ate spaghetti and then had ice cream cake. (Yes I am very predictable). Ryan went a little overboard on presents this year(I am not complaining). I got a pass to the YMCA, an ipod, juicy perfume, and the best gift of all....a carpet steam cleaner. I am in love with it and it might just be my favorite thing to do!! So if anyone randomly stops by some afternoon, they will probably find me steam cleaning something! If anyone has some dirty carpet just give me a call!! :)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Slip n' Slide
Abby got a slip n' slide for her birthday, which we all have had a blast on! It took Abby a couple of times to get the concept, but in no time, she was zooming down and flying off. Abby and Erika (the next door neighbor), spend hours racing down it. Claire walked on it once, slipped and fell, and that was the end of her slip n' slide days. She prefers to run around the yard naked. I remember playing with them when I was little and thought I would give it a shot. I think Ryan had more fun laughing at me than anyone playing in the water. The face I was making in the picture is not because I was scared, but because the water was COLD!! I mean ice cold. It was still fun! After changing out of our icy clothes, we all had strawberry sundae's. Yum, Yum!!

Ryan Contributes to the Family Blog
This is one of our families classic videos. This was recorded last summer but every time Abby and Claire watch it they still get a kick out of it.
Friday, July 18, 2008
4th of July
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. We were having some internet/phone issues. (don't ask Ryan about it). But, it is finally working now. For the 4th of July we went over to my friend Kelly and Kerrie's house. They live downtown and have a perfect view of the fireworks. Unfortunately, the girls do not stay up that late so we came home and set off tons of fireworks with the neighbors. Abby, as you can tell from the picture, absolutely loved them. She thought they were the coolest things she had ever seen. Claire on the other hand had a meltdown. She was terrified and screamed the whole time:) The top picute of the girls cracks me up! Claire's face is too funny. She was not having and smiling Kodak moments!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Grandpa's lake
We went up to lake James for the week. The girls love going up there. The highlight is always the boat rides. Claire had an absolute blast: she screamed and laughed the whole time. The faster the better. We took a pit stop out in the middle of one of the basins and brave daddy and abby jumped in for a swim. The water was ice cold and I stayed in the boat! I prefer 87 degree ocean water. Of course, we all love spending time with my grandma. She just eats it up when they will sit on her lap.
Abby's party
She's 4!!!!!
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