We had a much needed 2 weeks to relax and enjoy each other. The beginning of December up until Christmas break is always insane with all of Ryan's school activities. This year we had Abby's school activities added to the mix and we were all burnt out. I took the two weeks of work. We went to several movies, went out to eat, and enjoyed all of the fun stuff their is to do in Indy around Christmas time, but mainly just hung out. I got tons of pictures from break and just couldn't resist posting a bunch...
Here are several from decorating cookies with my mom, the girls, and my nieces. The girls love to bake and decorate and they were troopers and helped with the billions of cookies we made that day.

Olivia, Carmen, Claire, and Abby so proud of all their decorating.

Ryan was just so excited to help (this was the only 5 seconds he was in the room)!

Here are the girls before Christmas Eve service at out church.

The whole fam before church.

It did not take long to get through all of the presents!

Both girls were so excited they could barely stand it. I don't think I have ever seen Abby so excited in her life. I wish I could have gotten a picture of her when she peeked over the banister and saw all the presents!

The girls both wanted babies for Christmas. Claire got one that is sick, and Abby got one that pees. They love to play with their babies. I think this was their favorite gift! The girls are at such fun ages, and they made Christmas so fun this year! We opened all of our presents, left the mess at home and went over to Ryan's parents for the afternoon. After their house, we went to Leslie's and opened gifts at her house.
Later on during the week, it snowed (or was it before Christmas, I can't remember) The girls had a blast playing in it. It was SO cold out and Claire did not last that long. Abby was a trooper and I had to make her come in.

awe, it looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! I absolutely love the very last picture of Claire...very sweet!
LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos. The one with Abbs by herself is such an Erica Louise face!! The family photo is really great too.
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