~Her favorite colors are purple and orange(she despises any "boring"color) ~She has always been obsessed with shoes and clothes ~She loves board games ~She is shy ~She acts so much like Ryan that it is scary! ~She is a rule follower, and gets mad when someone else does not follow "the rules" ~She loves to cook with me and helps me everyday ~She loves to play dress up ~Her favorite movie right now is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ~She has not slept through the night in 5 years ~She loves anything to do with technology ~She has an unbelievable memory ~Her favorite book is pinkalicious ~Her favorite thing to do with Claire is play "house" ~She is a daddy's girl to the core ~ She loves vegetables ~Her favorite food is fettachini alfredo~ Her little sister can make her laugh like noone else can ~She is SO sensitive. But the thing that I love most about Abby is that she has the biggest heart of anyone I know!!
1st Birthday
I love the pics! I can't wait to see the 5th b-day pic:)
SOOOO cute!!!! I am going to cry...cant believe she is 5 years old. I feel like she was just born. I love her to pieces and cant wait to see her grow older. Happy 5th Bday Abbs!!
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