It has become a tradition for the play group to get together at Chuck E. Cheese for a Valentine's party. My girls are totally in love with it and Claire talks about it all of the time. She frequently asks if Chuckie can come over for dinner. I repeatedly tell her no, that is very scary. They have a blast playing and passing out Valentine's cards.

Here are Abby, Keagan, and Cassie riding on the jet ski together.

We could not get all of the kids to stop what they were doing and pose, but here are the few that we corralled.
I have become a huge fan of Valentine's day, and I love to plan a bunch of fun stuff for us to do. The girls and I had made Ryan his favorite peanut butter cookies the day before. They were very excited to give them to him! I took some other pictures but realized later in the day that my card was not in the camera, so they are lost somewhere in space. We started the day eating heart shaped pancakes, then I had the girls go on a scavenger hunt to find their present. Abby thought it was the coolest thing in the world. Who would have thought a box of candy could make them so happy? Later that day, we took them to Great Times. They had fun playing in the ball pit, until I got pelted in the head and had to kick some older boy's butts.

After Great Times, we went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Yum, Yum!!

We rented Madagascar for the girls and ate ice cream sundaes. Here are the girls right before they crashed from a busy, fun day.

Today Abby and Claire went over to my mom's house for a Valentine party with her other cousins. They love playing with their cousins more than anything. Shortly after I took Abby over, she asked me when I was going to leave so they could start to have fun. I took the hint and went out to meet Meg at Starbucks for the afternoon.
1 comment:
Eric(k...i never remember which it is)a,
Check out this blog. You'll love it. It may, just may, make me walk into goodwill and look at clothes for myself. i don't mind putting my kids in goodwill clothes sometimes, but it kind of grosses me out. but this lady is inspiring me to go cheap. really cheap.
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