I was really hesitant to start potty training Claire. I thought the few times she went were flukes and I was going to wait until after her 2nd birthday. But, she asked to go on the potty 6 times this week. So we are all about potty training in the Russell house. We went and picked out some "big girl" underware while Abby was at school. She picked Dora which is funny because she doesn't even watch Dora. But I guess she wants to be like her big sister who chose the same underware when she was two. We then went to Dunkin Donuts for a special "big girl underware breakfast." So today was the day when we went diaperless. I think a vast majority of my day was sitting on a stool in the bathroom. I was very surprised at how well she did. She went 7 times on the potty with only one accident. The thought of no more diapers makes me giddy!!!!
I will say that potty training is one of the yuckiest stages of parenting and one that no one tells you about at all those cute baby showers. I had a love/hate relationship with diapers. Couldn't wait to get done with that stage b/c of the $, but loved the no-hassle, let's just go to the store and not have to know where the potty is in every public place that you go freedom of diapers! julia.
Awe, how fun! I know what you mean....Carter has, this week, started saying, "poopy" and then in about 5-10 minutes he is ready to be changed. I have put him on the potty a couple of times but he mostly just sits there. I am really not ready....I have no clue where to even begin. Sitting? Standing? Foward? one person even told me to sit him backwards so he is used to facing that direction. So, once you are done with Claire can you come over and help with Carter?? Good luck!
I am thinking that you can find any reason to make a run to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts! :) "Big Girl Underwear Breakfast" it is...
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