I have been pumping the girls up for Halloween for weeks. I don't think that Claire really understood what it was about, but learned to say "Tick o Teat!" Abby was so excited that she could hardly stand it. Abby had decided last year that she wanted to be a black cat and stuck to it. I decided to make Claire a sheep. I glued over 600 cotton balls onto her shirt. Here is a picture at the end of the evening.

Abby loved her costume and crawled around like a cat meowing all night. Abby was really into it this year. Her and Erika literally ran from house to house and we could hardly keep up with her. It is so fun to see your kids so excited to do something. Especially because we were never allowed to trick or treat growing up...(long story)!

For Clarie's costume, I glued over 600 cotton balls onto her shirt. I was so hype because I thought she was going to look so cute in her little hat with ears on them. The time came to put on her costume and she freaked out and screamed bloody murder!!! It took us forever to try and negotiate with her, then we realized she is 21 months and we just forced it on. I know we are mean parents, but I spent
a lot of time with the glue gun and have the burns to prove it. Here she is in her hysteria!

Finally, after we put it on, she looked down and said excitedly "Sheep, Sheep!!!" I am literally sweating at this point and the night had not yet begun. In the wrestling match to get it on we tore some of the cotton balls off, but I was glad we got it on her! If you walk around our neighborhood, you will see a trail of cotton balls...it was hilarious!! Next came time to put on the hat...not going to happen. I really hope 30 years from now she is not sitting on her therapist's couch telling her the horrible stories of the things her mom put her through, like stuffing her into a sheep's costume while she was wailing!! I decided not to push the hat!! But, I did display it proudly on the handle of the stroller for all to see! When she went up to the first house and got her candy, she looked held it up "CANDY!!!" It had finally clicked. She was so excited each time she would get a piece and would hold it up triumphetaly. She could not believe that everyone was giving her candy! We will look back at the pictures of Claire from this Halloween and talk about the infamous "sheep costume" that caused so much drama and laugh!!!!

These are our next door neighbors all posing, looking cute!

Here is the fam at the end of the night, tired and ready to go eat our candy!