Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Abby had her first day of kindergarten on Monday!! I kept waiting for her to get nervous, but she was nothing but excited! I think it helped that Ryan goes to school everyday, and we go and visit him there alot. She picked out a new outfit for the first day, and of course a new backpack and lunch bag! I have been much more emotional about her leaving than she is (which is a good thing)! Claire surprised me when she started crying when we walked Abby in. I think this is going to be as big of an adjusment for Claire as it is for Abby.

While Abby was in school, Claire and I went to the zoo for the morning. I spent the entire day looking at the clock, thinking about what she was doing right then.

Here is Abby after school. We went to Steak n Shake to get milkshakes in celebration of the first day. She said she had a good day and her favorite part of the day was library (imagine that). It is going to take some time getting used to a day with just Claire. I am loving the fact that I get a 2 hour break while Claire takes a nap (we'll see how long that lasts!)

1 comment:

Meg said...

She looks so grown up....I dont like that! I seriously CANT believe Abbs is old enough for Kindergarten. Wasnt she just born like a year ago? :) Cute sister picture! And I love that Snuggles got to ride on the carousal too.